Saturday, 14 May 2011

*The Finishing Line* - 14/05/11

     Over the past weeks, I've been working my socks off to try and finish this project. However I've faced many obstacles upon the way in the form of; the Blogspot website being in read only, and therefore not enabling me to edit my blog. YouTube, and Blogger refusing to allow my audioclips to be uploaded - so yes, the last week has been possibly the most stressfull of my life!! In addition to this, Blogger wouldn't allow me to have my videos, in the blog itself so I had to hyperlink the link to the post.

In regards to the music video, the video is done and dusted. The long editing process is OVER! It's funny but I always thought editing wouldn't take as long as shooting the video but it was clearly it's the other way around. No more having to open up Final Cut Express! :)

For the final time! I'm off!
Asta La Vista!

Z.Afsar - LDN Town Productions.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

A2 -"Life Peer Assessment & Evaluation"

A2 Peer Assessment & Evaluation - CLICK HERE! - clicking this link, leads you to the Peer Assessment & The Evaluation. In this video, Zishan from LDN Town Productions answers the following questions "What have you learned from your audience feedback?", "In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?", and finally "How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?". My responses, have been recorded in the classroom, and have taken on board the criticisms of the video, from the class during the peer assessment.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Media Evaluation - Media Technologies Powerpoint Presentation

Media Evaluation Powerpoint - CLICK HERE!

Above is my Powerpoint presentation, uploaded on the website SlideShare, and then hyperlinked to my blog. This answers the evaluation question of 'How did you use Media Technologies in the Planning, Reseach, Construction and Evaluation stages of your coursework?'.

**Giggs - "Life" A2 Media Final Piece**

Giggs - "Life" A2 Music Video LDN Town Productions - CLICK HERE! - this is the link to my Final coursework video piece. It is the finished product, and took several hours on Final Cut to create.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Ancillary Texts - Digipack & Magazine Advert

Above is the first of my final A2 Ancillary Texts, which is required for the coursework. This above is the 'magazine promotional poster' which advertises the song "Life" by Giggs. In this poster, I have stuck to a very simplistic style throughout it, and have also used the same font throughout. I have also edited the picture in Picassa, so in doing so it almost has a stylized cartoon effect to it. The orange jacket is more effective as it stands out, and also as a result of this I used the white font as I believe this colour would stand out in a magazine advert. I also sticked to the same font throughout the promotional poster as I believe this would make it clearer and more coherent for the audience, also when I tried changing the font in Picassa, it made the promotional poster look unprofessional which I did not like. I also thought the release date on the brim of the hat, was a neat touch that the audience could relate to.  

Above is the "digi-pack design" for the CD cover this encompasses how the CD Package would be presented to a consumer buying the product. I have chosen to sell it in black and white, I did this as the song has a dark theme around it, and therefore I felt having a black and white colour scheme would be better, than having it in colour. This package contains a front cover, as well as the booklet you would find in a CD case. This Digi-pack also contains a message from the artist itself, this is a common occurence in most album packages for fans that have brought the CD legally. The white font stands out as a result of the black and white colour scheme, and I believe the colour scheme is really effective in reflecting the mood, of the song and this is the reason why I chose it.

Creation of Digipack & Promotional Poster for Ancillary Texts: Screenshot

Above is an image, from Adobe Photoshop in which you can see I am designing my digi-pack. The digi-pack is the six pack panel package, and I will be finishing this in the coming days. I will insert the pictures into the rest of the slots, and make the digi-package complete. The CD package is part of the product, and therefore I will endevour to make it as professional as possible, as it has to be good enough to be sold in shops.

Above is an image, from Google Picassa in which you can see I am designing my promotional magazine poster. The poster is a time-consuming process, however I believe I will be finished in the coming days. This is a piece which should be able to fit into a magazine, and therefore it should have a professional feel to it.